Saturday, January 26, 2008

Gymnastics Update

Savanna's first gymnastics meet was last weekend, and the camera battery was dead. Savanna had a pretty good experience, and didn't seem nervous at all. At her level, they are more learning what to do in competition than competing with each other. She has a medal and four ribbons from the meet, and we'll get them scanned in and post them soon.

Today, though, she went to a gymnastics clinic, and she was able to meet and work with three Olympic gymnasts: John Macready, John Roethlisberger, and Carly Patterson. Carly won the gold medal for the all-around at the 2004 Olympics. I saw the other 2 numerous times, and they were all quite entertaining. The guys run a camp up in Crossville, Tennessee called Flipfest. Looks wonderful, and of course they do these clinics mostly as advertising. Far out of our price range, but what a great experience that must be for the kids that do go.

Below I'll put some pictures and video from today, but the server's too slow tonight. I'll try again tomorrow!