Sunday, November 22, 2009

Halloween without cold rain?

This was a pretty fun Halloween for me, though I guess lower-key for Savanna. This is the first year that Devin didn't dress up and go TOT-ing with his friends. For the love of Pete, the boy's 18 and 6 feet tall. I'd laugh my ass off if he showed up at my door. We didn't take many pictures, and we didn't dress up the house at all; that's a big switch for us. Just too darned busy, I guess, and it's just not quite the same since Eric couldn't come home for the weekend.

Anyway, we just did the TOT in our neighborhood. Turns out every year one man in the area puts out a box of little stuffed animals, and has a sign asking each kid to take only one. He apparently services and owns some of those "Claw" toy machines. There were two "haunted houses"--done up in one house and in a tent outside another. Only in Florida! Savanna dressed up as a half-angel/half-devil, which I found appropriate. Little Emma didn't go out, but we dressed her up in some cute things that some folks gave her.

Here are some pictures, including one I love--Emma's screaming (she really hated that hat) and that is one of the best I've seen of Savanna--look at those beautiful blue eyes!