Sunday, November 4, 2007

Savanna's Brownie Troop

Monday night (October 29) was Savanna's "Investiture"--a ceremony where the new Brownies got their vests and made a commitment to being a Brownie. It was a cute ceremony, and she was very proud!

This is Savanna (middle) with Addy (left) and Alex (right).


holly said...

OMG, mama!! She's soooo cute!!! when you show these to her future boyfriends- I CALL DIBS ON FRONT ROW SEATS!

LadyBlue said...

Holly, Hate to tell ya but I am older so I get the FRONT ROW SEATS, :P lol. She is sooooo cute, I know you are very proud of her and be sure to tell her that she needs to keep up all her activities and sell sell sell those cookies. Jessica is now a Cadette Girl Scout and got a class ring for the 8th grade :O how fast they grow. We miss you all greatly. Jessica says hello to all and can't wait to see everyone. Take care and I will add this to my faves so I can come back often. Take care.
